Sunday, August 19, 2007

Islamic arabic terms . Letter A

I will do my best Insha Allah to publish some arabic islamic terms which are used the most:

Let's start Insha Allah:

Adhan is an Islamic call for the Muslims to the five obligatory Prayers. The Adhan is announced 5 times daily from the Mosques all over the world. The man who is calling the prayer is called Muezzin.

The calling to the prayer is :

Allaahu Akbar (4 times)
[God is great]

Ashhadu Allah ilaaha illa-Lah (2 times)
[I bear witness that there none worthy of worship except God]

Ash Hadu anna Muhamadar rasuulullah (2 times)
[I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God]

Hayya' alas Salaah (2 times)
[Come to prayer]

Hayya' ala Falaah (2 times)
[Come to felicity]

[Fajr only] A-Salaatu Khayrun Mina-Naum (2 times) Qad qaamitis Salaah (2times)
[Fajr only] Prayer is better than sleep. The prayer will start.

Allaahu Akbar (2 times) Laa illaha illa Allah
[God is great. There is none worthy of worship except God]

Alhamdulillah = is an Arabic phrase meaning "Praise to God" or "All praise belongs to God", In everyday speech it simply means "Thank God!". When one says the phrase, one is saying that:
All Praise, Glorification, Thanks, Gratitude, that Praise ITSELF, Glorification ITSELF, the very concept, idea, and attibution of it - belongs to God and to God alone, and to no one else.
It also means that anything in existence which is ascribed praise, thanks, glorification, or gratitude, is in fact only is able to achieve anything due to God's infinite Mercy and Grace.
Alhamdulillah - is to be said with a profound sense of love, adoration, and awe of the power, glory, and mercy of God.
Furthermore, it is a type of praise which not only praises God in general for the above-mentioned qualities, but also seeks to praise God specifically for those attributes of God's in Islam, which God did not have to have as being Omnipotent (such as all-seeing, all-hearing), but rather CHOSE to have out of God's Mercy (the Loving (Al-Wadud), the Merciful (Ar-Rahman)) and showers Grace upon God's servants.

A.H.(After Hijrah) = Hijrah means emigration. The Islamic calendar starts from the year when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emigrated from Makkah to Madinah, in the year of 622.

Ahl al-Kitab = The literally translation is 'People of the Book,' refers to the followers of Divine Revelation before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It refers to the Jews and Christians.

Alim = An Islamic religious scholar.

Amin = in arabic it means honest. Al amin = the honest. This was the first name that was given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Allah = The greatest and most inclusive of the names of God. It is an Arabic word of rich and varied meaning, denoting the one who is adored in worship, who creates all that exists, who has priority over all creation, who is lofty and hidden, who confounds all human understanding. It is exactly the same word as, in Hebrew, the Jews use for God (Elohim), the word which Jesus Christ used in Aramaic when he prayed to God. God has an identical name in Judaism, Christianity and Islam; Allah is the same God worshipped by Muslims, Christians and Jews.

Allahuma = the literal translation from arabic is We used it when we ask Allah for something, at the start of a prayer, sentence, phrase.

Allahu Akbar = Allah is the Greatest

Ansar = Ansar means the 'Helpers.' (singular: Ansari). In Islamic parlance the word refers to the Muslims of Madina who helped the Muhajirin (immigrants) of Makka in the process of the latter's settling down in the new environment.

Aqeeda = Literally means belief. In Islamic terms, it means the following six articles of faith:
1. Belief in Allah, the One God.
2. Belief in Allah's angels.
3. Belief in His revealed Books.
4. Belief in His messengers.
5. Belief in the Day of Judgement.
6. Belief in Fate and the Divine Decree.

Arafat = Arafat is a pilgrimage site, about 25 kilometers east of Makkah al-Mukaramah. Standing on 'Arafat on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah and staying there from mid-day to sunset is the essence of the Hajj (the Pilgrimage).

Asr = Asr is the late afternoon Prayer, the third compulsory Prayer of the day. It can be prayed between midafternoon and a little before sunset. It is also the name of Surah 103 of the Holy Quran.

Assalamu Alaikum = means 'Peace be on you. Greeting of the Muslims. The response to this greeting is 'Wa 'Alaikum Assalam,' and on you be the Peace.


Aladdin said...

What this blog is about?!!

Mihaela Eid said...

Insha Allah, i will make this for all the converts to Islam or for all the people that are interested about Islam.