Monday, August 20, 2007

Islamic arabic terms . Letter H

Hadi = A cow, sheep or a goat that is offered as a sacrifice by a pilgrim during the Hajj.

Hadith = The word hadith literally means communication or narration. In the Islamic context it has come to denote the record of what the Prophet (PBUH) said, did, or tacitly approved. According to some scholars, the word hadith also covers reports about the sayings and deeds, etc. of the Companions of the Prophet in addition to the Prophet himself. The whole body of Traditions is termed Hadith and its science 'Ilm al-Hadith.

Hadith Qudsi = A saying of Allah Ta'ala narrated by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), that is not part of the Qur'an.

Hajar Al-Aswad = The 'Black Stone', a stone which some say fell from heaven, set into one corner of the Ka'bah in Makkah by Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), which the pilgrims, in imitation of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) kiss, so unifying all the Muslims throughout the ages in one place.

Hajj (Major Pilgrimage) = one of the five pillars of Islam, a duty one must perform during one's life-time if one has the financial resources for it. It must be performed during certain specified dates of Dhu al-Hijjah. In addition to tawaf and sa'y, there are a few other requirements but especially one's standing (i.e. stay) in 'Arafat during the day-time on 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah.

Halal = Lawful as defined by Allah the Almighty.

Hanif = literally 'one who is inclined', is used in the Qur'an in ten places, six with reference to the Prophet Abraham and the rest for one who is sincere and sound in his faith. The term as such connotes sincerity, uprightness and singlemindedness in one's inclination, dedication and commitment to God or to His faith.

Haram = 1. Any act or deed which is prohibited by Allah and will incur His wrath and punishment. 2. Sanctuary or boundary of any Masjid (mosque), but usually used with regard to the sanctuaries of the Masjid al-Haram in Makkah and Masjid al-Rasool in Madinah. This is why they are referred to as 'Al-Haramain al-Sharifain,' the two Holy Sanctuaries.

Hashr (Al) = 1. Another name for the Day of Judgement, Yaum al-Hashr, "Day of the Gathering." 2. "The Exile". Surah 59 of the Holy Qur'an.

Hawd = The watering-place of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), whose pure drink will refresh those who have crossed the Siraat before entering the Garden on the Last Day.

Hawiyah = The sixth level of Nar (Hellfire). This will be the home of the Christians.

Hijab = Any kind of veil-it could be a curtain, a facial veil, etc. The facial Hijab is divided into two types: 1. Niqab: full facial covering. 2. Khimar: partial facial covering, i.e., it covers the face, but leaves the eyes exposed. It is said that the universe is what veils the Creator from the creation. If you find the veil awe-inspiring, how much more awe-inspiring is the One behind the veil!

Hijaz = The region along the western seaboard of Arabia, in which Makkah, Madinah, Jeddah, and Ta'if are situated.

Hijrah = Hijrah signifies migration from a land where a Muslim is unable to live according to the precepts of his faith to a land where it is possible to do so. The hijrah par excellence for Muslims is the hijrah of the Prophet (PBUH) which not only provided him and his followers refuge from persecution, but also an opportunity to build a society and state according to the ideals of Islam.

Hijri = Name of the Islamic lunar calendar. It took its name from the early Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah, and commences from the date of Prophet Muhammad's Hijrah, (PBUH), which he made with Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him), in 622 C.E. The months of the Islamic calendar are:
1. Muharram 2. Safar 3. Rabi al-Awal 4. Rabi al-Thani 5. Jumada al-Awal 6. Jumada al-Thani 7. Rajab 8. Sha'ban 9. Ramadan 10. Shawal 11. Dhul Qi'da 12. Dhul Hijjah

Hubal = the chief of the minor deities, was an image of a man, and was aid to have been originally brought to Arabia from Syria. It was one of the so many false gods of Arabs housed in the Kabah.

Hukm = literally judgement, decision, sometimes gives the meaning of wisdom, discretion, knowledge and the power to see things in their true perspective

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