Monday, August 20, 2007

Islamic arabic terms . Letter W

Wa Alaikum Assalam = "And on you be peace." The reply to the Muslim greeting of "assalamu alaikum." (peace be on you).

Wallahi = I swear to Allah.

Wahy = Revelation which consists of communicating God's Messages to a Prophet or Messenger of God. The highest form of revelation is the Qur'an of which even the words are from God.

Wali = means guardian.

Waqf = Endowment, a charitable trust in the name of Allah.

Witr = 'odd number'. Witr rakahs are odd number of rakahs such as 1, 3, 5, etc. - usually 1 or 3 - which are said after the last Prayer at night.

Wudu = Wudu refers to the ablution made before performing the prescribed Prayers. it requires washing (1) the face from the top of the forehead to the chin and as far as each ear; (2) the hands and arms up to the elbow; (3) wiping with wet hands a part of the head; and (4) washing the feet to the ankle.

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