Monday, August 20, 2007

Islamic arabic terms . Letter G

Ghair Muakkada (Salah) = Unascertained prayers. These types of optional Salah (prayers) were much, but not always, practiced by the Prophet (PBUH).

Gharar = Selling something which has not yet been obtained. For example, selling eggs which have not yet been hatched.

Ghayy = Deception. Name of a pit in Hellfire.

Ghazwa = A battle for the cause of Allah in which Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) himself took part.

Gheebah = Talking evil about someone in his or her absence.

Ghulool = Stealing from the war booty before its distribution.

Ghusl = The full ritual washing of the body with water alone to be pure for the prayer. to do Ghusl: 1. Wash your private parts, 2. do Wudu (ablution), 3. wash your entire body without touching your private parts again.

Gog and Magog = Two evil empires. They are mentioned in the Qur'an and Ahadeeth (Bukhari and Muslim) when mentioning some of the scenes just before the final hour.

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