Monday, August 20, 2007

Islamic arabic terms . Letter Z

Zaboor = The Holy Book revealed to Prophet Dawood (David), peace be on him.

Zakah = (Purifying Alms) purification, whence it is used to express a portion of property bestowed in alms, as a means of purifying the person concerned and the remainder of his property. It is among the five pillars of Islam and refers to the mandatory amount that a Muslim must pay out of his property. The detailed rules of zakah have been laid down in books of Fiqh.

Zalim = is the wrong-doer, he who exceeds the limits of right, the unjust.

Zam Zam = The sacred well inside Al-Haram ash-Shareef in Makkah.

Zanjabil =A special mixture that will be in one of the drinks of the people of the Paradise.

Zaqqum = An extremely bitter and thorny tree that grows at the bottom of the Heelfire.

Zina = illegal sexual intercourse and embraces both fornication and adultery.

Zulm = placing a thing where it does not belong. Technically, it refers to exceeding the right and hence committing wrong or injustice.

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